Anchoring Blow

Type: General
Source: Dragon #306

You can keep a creature from leaving the area via a teleport or plane shift effect, as per the dimensional anchor spell.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Stunning Fist (as a feat or class feature).
Benefit: When you apply Anchoring Blow to an unarmed strike, any opponent damaged by that attack is also affected as if by a dimensional anchor spell (caster level equals your character level). Spell resistance applies normally. You must declare that you are using the feat before making the attack roll, and it can be applied to only one attack each round. Whether or not you hit, the attempt expends one daily use of the stunning fist ability.
An attack made with this feat cannot also be enhanced with any other special unarmed attack feat or class feature (such as a stunning fist or flurry of blows).

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