Forgotten Realms Helps
We do Dungeons & Dragons and especially The Forgotten Realms, where Elminster and his cronies live.
Note: All information pertains to the Realms prior to 1374 DR. Information from the various novels has NOT been included, nor have the changes detailed in the 4th Edition D&D.
(But if you want to send that along to me, I might include it.)
Today's Weather in Shadowdale
Alturiak 10
Tenth-day of first tenday of
The Claw of Winter
From Dandello's Faerûnian Almanac
Low: -20
High: -5
Winds: From Arctic at 0 mph.
Precipitation: No Precipitation
Relative Humidity:
Morning: Low
Evening: Moderate
Dawn is at: 6:30
Number of daylight hours: 11.00
For Character Builders:
- Character Creation - Birthday Finder, Feats, Skills and more to help you create a memorable Forgotten Realms character.
- Magic - Find spells, powers, and magic items.
- Lands of the Realms - Places of note.
- Timelines of the Realms - Curious about the history of Faerûn? Lookup a date by year and region.
- Deities of the Realms - Choose your gods.
For the Dungeon Master:
- Stores, Gear & Treasure - Create stores, shops, treasure troves, discover weapons and armor.
- About Monsters - Find a published creature or just find a good monster to challenge your party.
- Realms Personalities - Friends and/or Foes: Non-Player Characters you may (or may not) want to meet in your travels.
- Regional Encounters - Creatures in Town, Wood, and Field.
- Want to know the weather where your characters are? Check out Dandello's Faerûnian Almanac
- Adventuring - Terrain, conditions, combat
Other Places
- Links to other sites
- Dungeons & Dragons Manuals and Rule Books
- Forgotten Realms Campaign
- Forgotten Realms Fiction
- Other Campaigns
- About Realms Helps
- From Mikhail Horndagger's Journal - part of a journal of one of our Forgotten Realms campaigns.
- Sitemap