Blood Artisan

Type: Ancestor
Source: Dragon #318

You are descended from Asahina Yajinden, a shugenja of the Crane clan who became the greatest lieutenant of the dread sorcerer Iuchiban. Yajinden abused his power, creating the Bloodswords and other evil magic items used by the armies of Iuchiban. You have mastered the method of creating a certain kind of magic item.
Clan: Clan: Crane.
Benefit: When you make magic arms and armor or wondrous items, you pay only 75% of the normal gold-piece cost to create the item. However, the item is always cursed; with the curse randomly determined by the DUNGEON MASTER, using the tables in Chapter 7 of the DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide.
Special: You cannot create normal items by foregoing this discount.
