Cool Head (OA)

Type: Ancestor
Source: Oriental Adventures

You are descended from the great diplomat Ide, who was chosen to be the voice of Shinjo in all dealings with strangers.
Clan: Clan: Unicorn.
Benefit: You cannot become shaken, allowing you to ignore the effects of the shaken condition. (You can still be frightened or panicked.)
If you are subject to any effect that forces you into violent action, such as a song of discord spell or a confusion effect that would force you to attack, you may attempt a second saving throw to resist that effect before performing the violent action. If your second saving throw succeeds, you throw off the effect exactly as though you had made your first saving throw. You may not roll more than two saving throws against the same spell or effect. In the case of the confusion spell, you may not attempt a second saving throw until it is your turn and the random die roll determines that you must attack another creature.
