Greater Witchlight

Type: Ghost, Shaper
Source: Ghostwalk

Your witchlight can last longer, become hotter, or give off more light.
Prerequisite: Ectoplasm, Witchlight
Benefit: Your witchlight can have any one of the following effects. Each invocation of Witchlight may have a different effect, and over the course of 4 rounds, you can create three different types of witchlight, each with a different effect (it is not possible to add another effect to existing witchlight or change the effect once it is started).
Extended Witchlight: Your witchlight lasts as long you concentrate + 10 minutes.Hot Witchlight: Your witchlight deals 1d6 points fire damage every round to the target. The target can attempt to extinguish the flames in the same manner as extinguishing burning alchemist's fire.Bright Witchlight: Your witchlight sheds light as torch.

Note: Ghostwalk Campaign exclusive.
