Healing Flames

Type: General
Source: Races of Faerûn

You can draw energy from open flames to heal yourself.
Prerequisite: Base Will save +3, fire genasi or tanarukk
Benefit: When you use your control flame spell-like ability, you instead may touch the flame and heal yourself a number, of hit points of damage depending upon the size of the fire. This counts as a use of your control flame ability for the day. Touching the flame causes you no harm when you use this ability, but if you enter the flame, touch more than just its edge, or remain in contact with it for more than 1 round, you take damage from the fire.

Fire SizeExampleHit Points Healed
TinySmall campfire1d6
SmallLarge campfire2d6
HugeBurning shack or tree5d6
GargantuanBurning tavern6d6
ColossalBurning inn7d6
