Initiate of Io

Type: Initiate
Source: Dragon Magic

Your deity has entrusted you with the responsibility of tending to dragonkind.
Prerequisite: Cleric level 3rd, dragonblood subtype, deity Io.
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on saves against effects created by dragons and creatures of the dragonblood subtype. This includes spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, or any other effect with a saving throw DC. (If you have the draconic or half-dragon template, this bonus improves to +4.)
Special: You can treat your cleric levels as sorcerer levels for the purpose of qualifying for draconic feats.
In addition, you add the following spells to your cleric spell list.
1st - Detect Dragonblood
2nd - Dragoneye Rune
2nd - Magic of the Dragonheart
7th - Kiss of Draconic Defiance
