Spell Siphoning

Type: Divine, Epic
Source: Web

You can cast spells using your ability to channel energy.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 24 ranks, Spellcraft 24 ranks, ability to turn or rebuke creatures, ability to cast 9th-level divine spells.
Benefit: You can spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to cast spontaneously any divine spell you can normally prepare. When you attempt to spell siphon a spell, make a turning check and consult the following table to determine the maximum spell level you can attempt to spell siphon.

Turning Check ResultHighest Level Spell Possible
1 or lower 0 level
2-41st level
5-72nd level
8-103rd level
11-134th level
14-165th level
17-196th level
20-227th level
23-258th level
26 or higher9th level

Once you determine the highest level spell you can spontaneously cast and have selected which spell you wish to cast, you can cast the spell just as if you had prepared it. You must supply any material components or foci the spell normally requires. Spell Siphoning is at least full-round action. If the spell you siphon has a casting time of a full-round action or longer, it takes an extra full-round action to cast the spell. You can apply metamagic feats to this spell, as long as the spell's effective level is not greater than the highest level spell possible set by the turning check. Each metamagic feat you apply, however, adds another full-round action to the casting time for the spell.
