Tainted Construction

Type: Psionic
Source: Web

As a subpsionic character, you can tap into the subconscious mind when shaping astral constructs.
Prerequisite: Conjunctive Mind
Benefit: You can select astral construct abilities from an extended menu. Each special ability can come from your normal menu or Table 1-1: Subpsionic Extended Construct Abilities. Astral constructs you create are formed from a darker tainted ectoplasm and now have the <Evil> descriptor. Their surface is a shimmering black bathed in a deep purple glow.

Table 1-1: Subpsionic Extended Construct Abilities
Menu ALesser Aura of Fear: Creatures within 10 feet of the construct must make a Will save (DC 5 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. (see Chapter 3 in the Dungeon Master's Guide for fear effects.) Anyone whose HD exceed those of the construct are not affected. This ability cannot be chosen more than once.
Lesser Withering: Each time a target is struck by the construct, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 5 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or take 1 point of temporary ability damage to the ability score chosen by the manifester at the time the construct is created. This ability cannot be chosen more than once. This ability does not stack with withering or greater withering.
Menu BAura of Fear: Creatures within 10 feet of the construct must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks and flee from the construct as quickly as they can. (see page 76 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for fear effects.) Anyone whose HD exceed those of the construct are not affected. This ability cannot be chosen more than once.
Withering: Each time a target is struck by the construct, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or take 1d3 points of temporary ability damage to the ability score chosen by the manifester at the time the construct is created. This ability cannot be chosen more than once. This ability does not stack with lesser withering or greater withering.
Menu CGreater Aura of Fear: Creatures within 30 feet of the construct must make a Will save (DC 15 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks and have a 50% chance to drop what they're holding and flee from the construct as quickly as they can. (see Chapter 3 in the Dungeon Master's Guide for fear effects.) Anyone whose HD exceed those of the construct are not affected. This ability cannot be chosen more than once.
Greater Withering: Each time a target is struck by the construct, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or take 1d3 points of temporary ability damage and 1 point of permanent ability drain to the ability score chosen by the manifester at the time the construct is created. This ability cannot be chosen more than once. This ability does not stack with withering or lesser withering.
Putrescence (Su): Any creature struck by the construct must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 construct's HD) or contract astral rot (supernatural disease; incubation period 1d6 days; damage 1d3 temporary Constitution). Unlike normal diseases, astral rot continues until the victim reaches Constitution 0 (and dies) or receives a remove disease spell or similar magic (see Disease in the Dungeon Master's Guide).

Psionics-Magic Transparency: For the purposes of power-to-spell interaction with these feats, Enchantment, Illusion and Necromancy are treated the same as the Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy disciplines. Evocation and Transmutation are treated the same as the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, or Psychokinesis disciplines.
Creatures with the Conjunctive Mind feat interact with creatures that have the Shadow Magic feat as though they were the same, gaining no benefits or penalties. Items created by a creature with the Conjunctive Mind feat are considered the same as items created by creatures with the Shadow Magic feat, and they can use shadow magic items as though they had the Shadow Magic feat.
Forgotten Realms: When using these psionic feats in the Forgotten Realms setting, the subconscious mind is directly linked to the shadow weave. Psions that use these feats understand that they are using the shadow weave and are subject to all limitations and penalties that may be imposed as a result.
