Magic Weapon Abilities - Powerleech
The powerleech special ability can be added only to melee weapons. A weapon with this ability drains psychic energy from the creature struck and transfers it to the wielder, thereby producing the following effects.
- Any creature that has a psionic power point reserve loses 1 power point when struck with a powerleech weapon, just as if it had expended that amount to manifest a psionic power. The creature can regain the power point normally when it rests or by any other normal means of regaining power points.
- A wielder who has a power point reserve gains 1 power point upon striking a creature that has a power point reserve, psi-like abilities, or spell-like abilities that are described as psionic in origin. Power points gained by the use of a powerleech weapon can restore expended power points but cannot increase the wielder's current power point score above its normal maximum.
- A wielder who does not have a power point reserve gains nothing from the strike, although he can still drain power points from creatures that do possess power point reserves.
Powerleech weapons were popular among the bladelords of ancient Jhaamdath, many of whom were potent psychic warriors and psions.
Aura: Moderate psychometabolism
Caster Level: ML 6th
Requirements: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor
Price: +8,000 gp.
Lost Empires of Faerûn