Axebeak (CR 1)

Large Animal
Alignment: Always neutral
Initiative: +2 (Dex); Senses: Listen 5 and Spot +5**

AC: 14 ( -1 Size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12
Hit Dice: 3d10+6 (22 hp)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed: 65 ft.*
Space: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack +2; Grapple +1
Attack: Beak 3 melee and 2 kicks -2 melee
Full Attack: Beak 3 melee and 2 kicks -2 melee
Damage: Beak 1d8+2, kick 1d4+1
Special Attacks:
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 9, Cha 6,
Special Qualities:
Feats: -
Skills: Hide -2, Jump +6, Listen 5, and Spot +5**
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Large); 7-9 HD (Huge)
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm desert and plains
Organization: Flock (5-20)
Treasure/Possessions: None

Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

These large, flightless birds are like ostriches, only larger and more dangerous.

Unsurprisingly, an axebeak's main weapon is its axe shaped beak. Scholars differ over whether this is a natural growth or the product of magical experimentation. Either way, it suits the beast's omnivorous diet well. An axebeak can run down nearly any prey on the ground, and can hack away at obstructing growth that small game usually hides in.

Axebeaks are attracted to shiny things such as jewelry, spectacles, or ioun stones. They peck at them obsessively if given the opportunity, and every breeder has a story about an unfortunate child or noble who was killed or seriously gouged by a curious axebeak. Because of this behavior quirk, axebeak riders do not polish their armor or weapons.

An axebeak stands 9 feet tall and weighs 400 pounds. In lands where axebeaks are native, they serve as mounts and pack animals as commonly as horses do in other lands.

*Speed: Axebeaks move five times their normal speed when running instead of four times the speed.

**Skills: Due to their keen eyesight, axebeaks receive a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks in the day time.

Training an Axebeak

Training an axebeak as a mount requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 11 young, DC 18 adult). Axebeak eggs are worth 20 gp on the open market, while chicks are worth 40 gp each. Professional trainers charge 50 gp to rear or train an axebeak.

Riding a trained axebeak requires an exotic saddle. An axebeak can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check. Because of its build and leg strength, an axebeak has a carrying capacity as a quadruped.

Carrying Capacity: light 198 lb., medium 399 lb., heavy 600 lb.