Instructions: Input the information concerning the creature into the form.
The Creature Advancer will return the statistics for the next size up or down.
Creature Name
Aberration Animal Construct Dragon Elemental Fey Giant Humanoid Magical Beast Monstrous Humanoid Ooze Outsider Plant Undead Vermin
Fine Diminutive Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal
Adjust to next size: Larger or Smaller
Note: You cannot advance a creature to be larger than Colossal or smaller than Fine.
Current of Hit Dice Hit Dice being Advanced to (if applicable)
Natural Armor Modifier Improved Initiative Feat?
Primary Natural Weapon None Slam or Tentacle Bite Claw or Sting Gore or Tail
Secondary Natural Weapon None Slam or Tentacle Bite Claw or Sting Gore or Tail
Weapon Finesse Feat? (creature uses Dexterity rather than Strength in melee attacks)
Current damage - 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8
Creature Finder
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